Friday, October 19, 2012

Book Launches and Exciting News

So, first the exciting news. A is for Musk Ox is on the Winter 2012-2013 Kids' Indie Next List--"Inspired Recommendations for Kids from Indie Booksellers." It's #10 on the list!!

Now, on to my book launches--they were great! My first book launch was in my mom's classroom at East Elementary. It was fun to do it there because that's where I went to school and that's where my kids are going to school now and that's where my mom teaches. My middle child is in her class and she invited my oldest child's class to come be part of it. We also invited some family friends to come as well. And a reporter and photographer came. Here is the link to the article. It was on the front page of the newspaper the next day.

The launch went well. There were flowers and balloons and a giant cake with my book cover on it. My mom even ordered personalized napkins. The kids got to throw confetti at me. Then my husband and I read the book to the kids. He read the part of Zebra and I was Musk Ox. It's fun to read with my husband. He does a really good job of reading to children--lots of expression and expressions. Then we had cake. After that, the kids left for the day and I got to talk to the others who had come for the celebration.

The second book launch was at Braun Books. It's on 25 N. Main Street in Cedar City, UT. Megan, the owner of the bookstore, bought 25 copies of the book and we sold all of them, so that was really good. Plus there was a yummy launch punch that she makes special just for launch parties, and a bacon jam that she has at all the events in the bookstore. It was an interesting jam. I didn't care for it, but my husband liked it.

The only problem I had with the launch parties is that I'm shy and I dislike being the center of attention--I never know how to act and I feel silly. Maybe I'll get over that after a few of these. I did like signing books however. That was fun. I hope I get to do more of it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Reprints! And book launch! And other fun stuff!

Some exciting news from my publisher--they decided to print 7,500 more copies of A is for Musk Ox! That will make for a total of 17,500 books that will be printed. Wow.

Also, some more exciting news--Scholastic Book Fairs will be joining the hard cover print of the 7500 books! My editor said they're crazy about the book. Which is just awesome!

And even more fun news--my book is coming out on Tuesday!!! I'm so excited!!! And that means I get to have a book launch! I'm actually doing two. My mom is doing one at the school with her kids. She's a second grade teacher and my son is in her class. She's going to invite another third grade class with my other son in it. So we'll have a coloring contest and cake and do some fun things with the kids and we've also invited some friends to come to that. And then my second book launch will be at Braun Books from 6:30-8:00. Braun Books is in Cedar City, UT on 25 North Main Street. If you happen to be in the area, please stop by!

And in non-book-related, exciting news, my brother was just married on Thursday. (That way their wedding date could be 10-11-12.) And I've been busy making decorations. I didn't realize just how long it would take to make 70 tissue paper flowers. Also, I'm the new cubmaster for my son's boy scouts, so I've been going a little crazy trying to figure out what I'm doing and getting pack meeting planned. So, lots of fun and exciting things have been going on around here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Novel Workshop

Right now I'm in the middle of writing a Young Adult novel. I've been struggling with this so I decided I could use some extra help and I decided to attend a Young Adult/middle grade novel writing workshop that was held in my town. Brodi Ashton, the author of Everneath, and Lindsey Leavitt, author of the Princess for Hire series and Sean Griswold's Head were the authors that came to teach us about writing a novel. The workshop was good and I learned a lot of good things and was able to network with some other aspiring authors.

A few of the things I learned:

~The observations a character makes should say as much about the character that makes them as about the person they are observing. Different people notice different things about others. One person might look at a child and say that that child is funny and energetic and has bright, blue eyes. Another person might look at that same child and call them smart-mouthed and crazy and notice their dirty shirt. The observations made say as much or more about the person making them as they do the child himself. Even though nothing was said about the people observing the child, you can probably make some assumptions about them just by the things they noticed and the way they expressed those things.

~One good idea, I thought, was to go through your manuscript and highlight the dialogue in different colors for each character. That way you can make sure that what they say and how they say it is consistent with who they are.

~This is a website that has world building questions on it, for those setting their novel in a fantasy world. (And I am.) They're good things to think about when building a world. And, as was pointed out, you can also use them even if your novel isn't set in a fantasy world. Even if the novel is set in the real world, you still need to know the answers to those same questions.

~Probably one of the most helpful things was just the reminder that most people's rough drafts aren't very good. I was getting frustrated that mine seemed to have so many problems, so it was good to hear published novelists say that their earliest drafts have lots of holes and problems in them too. There is hope for mine--it's just going to take a lot of work. But that I can handle. I can work hard. Especially when it's something I enjoy doing so much.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My New Blog

It's pretty simple because I did it myself, and I'm still not completely finished with it, but I am pretty excited about my new website: Take a look at it and tell me what you think. What could I do better, what do I need to add, what do you like about it?

Many thanks to my amazing husband who spent a lot of time helping me get it online.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An Article in Publishers Weekly

Two exciting things happened today--I got another positive review from School Library Journal. Yay! I also got a copy of Publishers Weekly in the mail from my editor. The date on it is September 10, 2012, just in case you want to go look for one so you can read the article about A is for Musk Ox! Yup. There's an article about my book in PW. Okay, so it's not just about my book, but my book plays a big part in the article. And I'm even quoted as saying some highly intelligent things, if I do say so myself. Well, maybe not highly intelligent, but I don't think I sound too stupid either, which is something I was worried about.

The article is called Two of a Kind: Synchronicity in Children's Publishing.

In March of 2012, a book called Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham was published. And, especially in the description, my book and that book are similar. In Z is for Moose, a moose tries to sneak into the alphabet book before his appropriate time and a zebra tries to keep everything in order. In my book, A is for Musk Ox, a musk ox takes over the alphabet book and a zebra (again) tries to keep things straight. I think it's especially interesting that in both books it's a zebra that tries to maintain control.  But, as the article quotes Paul O. Zelinsky (the illustrator of Z is for Moose), the books "seem much more the same in description than in reality." Which is really true.

How did I feel when I found out about Z is for Moose? Well, I wish A is for Musk Ox had been first. But I've gotten used to the idea and I'm just excited for mine to come out now. I'm also nervous. Like I said in my last post, I still worry about rejection. What if no one likes it?

I have a copy of Z is for Moose and it is a fun picture book. (Though not quite as fun as A is for Musk Ox, if you want my completely un-biased opinion. Okay, maybe just an eensy-bit biased.) I do think that both books together could be used as a fun way to teach children how to compare and contrast two different things. So you should probably buy a copy of both. Although you'll have to wait until October 16th to get A is for Musk Ox. (That's less than a month away, I'm so excited!)

Anyways, that's my exciting news for the day.

Update: Here's a link to the article.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another Book Review and Thoughts on Rejection

First of all, my book was reviewed by Publishers Weekly. This time the review was all positive, so that was nice. Of course, it wasn't as positive as I thought it should be--not once did they mention that it's the Best. Book. EVER!!!! But overall I was happy with it. They did say my musk ox was megalomaniacal, which for some reason I thought was funny. Probably because it's such a funny word. It is true though. My musk ox is delusional about his own importance. That's what makes him such a fun and funny character. He was fun to write too.

One thing I've found interesting since I've started admitting to people that I like to write books is that there are a lot of people out there who dream of writing and publishing a book. And yet, not so many people actually do that. I think one reason is time. It's hard to sit down and write a book. It takes a lot of time. And then it takes more time to edit it. And then it takes even more time to send it out to publishers/agents.

But I think another reason why people don't get published is because it's so hard to deal with rejection. It gets really discouraging when you send out your manuscript and it comes back in its SASE with a form rejection. And after a few of those, people just get discouraged and stop trying.

I got lots of rejections. So many, I lost count long ago. But I kept writing and kept sending out stories and eventually I found some one who wanted to represent my story and she found some one who wanted to publish it. YAY!!!!

I kind of thought my worries about rejection would go away then. After all, I have an agent, I have a book deal.

But it doesn't! Now I'm worried about book reviewers rejecting my book. I'm worried about readers rejecting my book. I'm worried about publishers rejecting my future manuscripts. I'm worried about Goodreads and Amazon reviews. Gah! Sometimes I wonder why I wanted to get my book published in the first place. But at those times I just go to my bookshelf, pull my book off the shelf, hold it, and marvel that I wrote it. And then I know.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


My name is Erin Cabatingan. I am a wife of one and a mother of three. I live in Southern Utah. My favorite color is yellow.

I'm writing this blog to detail the progress of my very first published picture book (!!!!!) and other books to come.

Lots of fun things have been happening lately, but first a quick history.

About nine years ago I decided I wanted to write and publish children's books. For the next several years, I wrote and sent my work out to publishers. No one was interested. :( About four years ago, I got more serious about writing and started going to writer's conferences and workshops and I researched writing and publishing on the web. As I did more research, I decided that I wanted an agent so I started sending out my work to different agents. About three years ago, Nancy Gallt called to tell me she wanted to represent me and not much later she found a publisher--Neal Porter at Roaring Brook Press--for my manuscript, A is for Musk Ox. A is for Musk Ox comes out October 16 (make sure you buy it) and I already have two other musk ox/zebra books under contract. The next one is called Musk Ox Counts. 

Some fun things, for me, that have been happening:

I received my first hard copy of A is for Musk Ox! It's so much fun to hold the actual book in my hands. The illustrations are awesome (I didn't do them--I wish I was that talented of an artist) and I love the layout of the book.

I got to see the cover of my next book, Musk Ox Counts. Getting to see finished artwork for the first time is always exciting. It makes my book seem more real and it's interesting to see how the artist interprets the story. It's not quite what I had in mind as I was writing it, but in this case, that's a good thing. The illustrations add so much to the story and make it even more fun. The artist is Matthew Myers by the way. He's incredibly talented--you should probably go check out his website.

I also got to see my book trailer. I was very excited about this because I've known several authors who have had to make their own and I have absolutely no talent in that area. I would have had to pay someone to make one for me, so I was very glad my publisher did it for me. If you'd like to see it, go here. There was also an ad in Publisher's Weekly, which was fun to see.

And some other news, that wasn't as fun as it could be: I got my first review from Kirkus. This was actually pretty hard for me because they said some not-nice things. Overall, the review was decent--they did say some good things--but of course the only thing I saw when I read it was the negative. It took my husband a little bit of time to finally convince me that it wasn't the worst review in the world and that people will still want to buy my book.